Hi, I’m Alana Inwood.
In a past life, I was addicted to stress - now it’s my number one driver to educate people to live better lives. It was in this time I was told by a Naturopath that I wasn’t breathing correctly, and it was this very statement that sparked what I would say is now my greatest passion.
I was a Marketing Manager for one of the largest brands globally. My mind thrived on the challenge and long days but internally I was falling apart. My nights were interrupted by panic attacks in my sleep, days filled with performance anxiety. I wish I had the tools then that I now have to help maintain a balanced nervous system.
My Approach
I’m a strong believer that the book ends of our days shape our internal health (for better or worse). In our Consult we take a deep dive into your lifestyle and then how we can best integrate minor adjustments for you to be a better and healthier version of you. You’ll take home integrative tools to change breathing habits while discovering a new you.
You’ll learn a whole new world around how your body works, you’ll be left wondering how you’ve gone all these years not understanding basic fundamentals of giving the body fuel it can naturally attune to help you literally feel more alive, less anxious, more alert and more calm.
We’ll then retrain your body to breath more functionally, think of teaching an old dog new tricks. We literally reset the breathing centre of the brain that controls our breathing and take it back to the innate, natural, controlled breath that allows the gases in the body to work in harmony and the nervous system to relax.
My inspiration
My biggest inspiration in the breathing world is Patrick McKeown founder of Oxygen Advantage and International CEO of Buteyko Health. I had the privilege of training with Patrick in person and am a qualified Oxygen Advantage Master Instructor. I use the basis of his techniques which have foundations from the Butekyo method in all of my consultations.