scienced based Functional BREATHING RETRAINING
expand your breathing horizons

Welcome to Breathscape. Where the breath meets nature. We all have the ability to tune back into our native breathing patterns that we were born with and I'm here to take you back there. To improve everyday life, to elevate your health and wellbeing.
While there's an array of areas that breathing retraining can take you, my focus and deep passion is working with people that are living with; Anxiety, Stress, Brain Fog, Lack of Concentration and Sleep Disorders (Sleep Apnea, Insomnia and Snoring).
I offer in person Consultations at my home office in Hendra, Brisbane as well as in Clinic at Brisbane Livewell Clinic in Wavell Heights, Brisbane or online throughout Queensland and Australia.
breathing based on science
‘we’re not just retraining the breath, we’re retraining the mind’ - patrick mckeown
What is breathing retraining
The word ‘Breath’ seems to be the new black on the health scene. So, let’s clarify what Breathscape offers; its not necessarily breathwork (no hyperventilation exercises here, sorry!), or yoga pranayama although there are some similarities. Functional Breathing Retraining uses techniques to rewrite bad habits to allow the breath to work for you not against you. I work to the principle that all breath cycles should be via the nose with light, slow and deep breaths.
The reality of overbreathing
People suffering from various health issues are often breathing in a way that is ‘dysfunctional’. This might be due to illness (mental or other), stress, disorders or trauma. The breath reflects this state and if it persist for too long the bad habits become habitual only adding or attributing to the symptoms of the underlying conditions. This can have a detrimental effect on our health and wellbeing and only worsen your condition.
the geeky stuff
functional breathing v’s dysfunctional
More commonly, patients that I work with have one thing in common, they don’t realise the importance of nasal breathing 100% of the time. This results in the air they’re breathing ending up in ‘dead space’, it doesn’t go down ‘deep’ enough into the lower airways (the lungs) where the magic of gas exchange takes place (i.e. where your Oxygen is fed to your organs, tissues and brain!).
Signs of someone breathing poorly is: the breath is noticeable, they’re likely breathing into their upper chest, its heavy and fast, likely via the mouth.
The healthy or functional breather is quite the opposite, you don’t see that they’re breathing, you don’t hear it, the diaphragm leads the breath and its always through the nose, even in sleep and exercise too.